Everyday Life

Giving It A Go

I say the magical Jenna Marbles shave her face, a trick she has picked up from the beauty community. Now, I don’t wear make-up, I only draw on my brows after the incident happened, however, I will go to great lengths for beauty (except wear makeup because I’m not that talented). So I grabbed my trusty razor thing that was the cause of the brow incident, and I shaved my face.

It’s not like I have a beard, I just have the normal peach fuzz.

I cut the area above my lip and my face feels less soft. I feel lied to. Ok, that’s dramatic, it’s not that and I’d rate the experience an 8/10. Would I do it again? We’ll see how my mustache grows in…..

Everyday Life

The End.

Obviously today is the last day of the year and most people are reflecting on 2017 and planning for 2018. Well, my 2017 started off strong and ended up awful. With the Patriots super bowl win and my adventure in New Orleans I thought this was going to be my year. Ha. Ha. Ha. If you’ve followed me long enough, you’d know I’ve been dealing with a lot of pain since June which has basically fucked up everything. On top of that, my beloved cat died and I miss her so damn much. Also, Trump.

I found out the guy I thought I may be able to date was actually just a creepy loser (no real surprise here, that seems to be who I attract). I also realized how much I actually can’t stand some people so I don’t talk to them anymore (this is probably a good thing).

However, like I said, it didn’t start off so bad. I met some kickass people who are finally people I can relate to (not your typical Mainers really). My friend from middle school got engaged and it’s so nice to see her with such a nice guy finally, and I have really reconnected with an old friend which feels nice.

2017 wasn’t as bad as 2015, I’ll give it that.

I’m not making any resolutions because I know I won’t even bother trying to fulfill them.

Maybe, just maybe 2018 will be a better year. I start classes in 4 days! Long story short, I’m looking for a new job (and hopefully leaving my other one). I don’t have anything else planned do we will see where the year takes me.

2018: The Year Of Tiffany